Monday 28 January 2019

Music Video

The Music industry:

  • Lip synch,
  • live performance,
  • choreographed / free style dance,
  • playing instrument.
  • storyline
  • theme
  • motifs;
  • linear
  • non-linear.
  • abstract set of motifs that may have no obvious link to the lyric.
  • A conventional performance / narrative style video
  • A conceptual post-modern style video.
Things to analyse ( form and convention):

  • Camera: angles, shot size, camera movement, framing
  • Editing: cutting rate/ rhythm (to the rhythm / beat?), types of cut (matched, jump, cutaways), transitions, effects (including Special Effects SFX)
  • Mise en scene: costume, make up, props, location, lighting
  • Lip synch and authorage /  star quality, which links to…
  • Representation: of the star, sexuality, gender, ethnicity / culture, subculture and genre, personality, celebrity and consumerism
  • Audience: and how the video “positions” them; the male gaze; voyeurism.
Jorja Smith- The one:
  • Repeated
  • Love/Heartbeat, "the one"
  • Performance and
  • Lip sync, woven into the narrative-naturalistic
  • Non-Linear, loose narrative theme
Beyonce- Formation:
  • Performance & Conceptual. 
  • Culture, ethnic identity. 
  • New Orleans- Mardi Gras
  • Floods
  • Martin Luther King
  • Afro- Daughter
  • Gender: Female dancers- Authorage
  • Feminist: Objectified/ Male Gaze
By nature hard to define, but might include:

  • A mix and match aesthetic, taking influences from a range of genres
  • “Look” is as important / more important than “meaning”
  • Blurring of time, space
  • Unconventional, highly non-linear narrativemart
  • Mixing up types of narration, for example first and third, which might lead to…
  • Breaking the fourth wall
  • Intertextuality: when there are deliberate references made to other media products, and the music video is only understood if this reference is understood by the audience.
  • Mixing fantasy and reality (simulacra- Baudrillard)
  • A relationship between the lyrics and the visuals, which illustrate, reinforce or contradict the lyrics.
  •  Thought beats: seeing the sounds (the relationship between the music and the visuals, which illustrate, amplify or contradict the music.)
  • Genre-related style and iconography present.
  • Multiple close-ups of the main artist or vocalist: the creation of a star image to promote a recognizable brand image.
  • Voyeurism often plays a major part, especially in relation to females.
Relation of visuals to song.
  • Treatment of authority
  • Love and sex
  • Growing up / loss of innocence
  • Political / social consciousness
  • Reality v fantasy (and blurring)

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